Reduce, reuse and recycle

How do we contribute to reducing our carbon footprint? Arkhé Cosmetics is born with a 100% sustainable approach where its commitment to the planet is at the center of all its actions.

Generating the least impact on the environment leads us to a 100% sustainable manufacturing where we prioritize the use of sustainable ingredients, local sourcing and fair trade to contribute to a better world. We use renewable energy sources and purify 100% of the water we use to return it completely clean.

But, not only is our manufacturing process sustainable to generate the least impact, but our commitment goes beyond that. We contribute positively to the environment with all our actions, with collaborations to protect marine biodiversity and with a packaging that reduces and reuses plastic.


Innovation is another of the brand values that is reflected in all actions, from the formula to its packaging.

We produce our packaging with recycled plastic because we know that reducing, reusing and recycling is fundamental to reducing our carbon footprint. We use post-consumer recycled plastic to manufacture the packaging and include an innovative enzymatic active ingredient that accelerates the biodegradation of plastic waste compared to conventional plastic packaging. An active ingredient that does not affect its recyclability and does not require handling under special conditions to initiate its natural degradation.

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